Maps and Directions

Route Maps

Driving Directions

If you are traveling to the Farmers' Market by car, or by public transportation, and still want to map your travel online, please use the following street address: 95 High Rock Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

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Northbound: I-87 to Exit 13 North, Route 9 North into Saratoga Springs. Take a right onto Lake Avenue, second left onto High Rock Ave.; signs indicate Farmers' Market.

Southbound: I-87 to Exit 15, Route 50 South. Follow Route 50 and when it splits, stay in the left lane and follow Route 9 South (or Broadway Avenue). At Lake Avenue, take a left turn, second left onto High Rock Ave.; signs indicate Farmers' Market.

For GPS, use the address 95 High Rock Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY.


City lots and the parking garage are available on High Rock Avenue. All vehicles will be prohibited from driving to the Pavilions and there is no drop-off area designation.